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JOBS: Lead Architect, Senior Software Eng, Los Gatos, CA

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Don’t know these people, just passing along the notices:

Lead Software Architect, Senior Software Engineer at Digital ArtForms
Apply with Paul Mlyniec,
Full Job description at URL:
Type: Full-time
Experience: Senior level

Digital ArtForms is seeking Lead Architect and Senior Software Engineer

Developers will work on a 3D tele-consultation system called iMedic. iMedi=
c distributes common medical data in 3D over the Internet so that geographic=
ally separated medical experts can collaboratively diagnose medical conditio=
ns and plan medical procedures. A key focus will be the addition to iMedic =
of 3D Whiteboarding (drawing on tissue and in space with virtual drawing ins=
truments) for purposes of surgical planning.

Digital ArtForms is growing on several fronts — professional, consumer, an=
d governmental =96 and needs a highly creative technical individual to organ=
ize and execute several concurrent and related projects.
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Content-Description: Card for Christina Inez Goodness



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