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[JOB] Washington, DC – Video Editing

———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Rebecca McCain
Date: Tue, Mar 24, 2009 at 11:13 AM
Subject: Know any freelancers in DC??

Hey Neilson-

How are you? I just got an immediate job from a Chicago client who
needs a freelancer in Washington DC. We thought it was worth a shot to
see if any of our NYC talent know anyone in that area that might be
available for a few days.

Our client needs the talent onsite in the metro DC area to edit
conference footage. All taping is done in the morning, editing is
mostly second shift happening in the afternoon and being compiled in
the evening. Work must be done in Final Cut/After Effects on editor’s
own machine/laptop. Work includes video editing of conference footage
and light motion graphics production work (changing names in lower
thirds, for example).

Talent must be onsite in the DC area–our client does not have budget
to transport talent to location. The dates are March 31st through
April 2. Candidate must be open to working through afternoons and into
evenings to get footage edited and compiled. Must bring own equipment.

If you know anyone, let me know and I’ll reach out to them to see if
they’re available. We know it’s a long shot, but thought it was worth
a try!

Hope all is well, talk soon!



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