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Job Opportunity: Web / Graphic Design Assistant at the Wasserman Center for Career Development

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asserman Center for Career Development
(Starting =
May, 2009)
The Wasserman Center at NYU is=A0 lookin=
g for a Web Assistant to work 10-20 hours per week in our office, contributi=
ng to the design and maintenance of our office’s website as well as occasion=
al work in producing graphics/images for our print publications. This is a s=
tudent-worker position opening in our office, and we’re looking for a talent=
ed student with strong web and graphic design skills for the role. Our offic=
es are located in the Palladium building, just off of Union Square between 3=
rd and 4th avenue.
is job deals with creating and maintaining the design elements of the Wasser=
man Center website and=A0 and some tech support.=A0Photoshop=
and=A0Illustrator=A0are used often, as are an=
FTP program and an HTML editor.JavaScript,=A0HTML, and=A0Dreamweaver=A0=
also may be used daily.=A0Fl=
=A0is used less frequent=
ly, but it is a must.
The right candidate will be able to:

a) Take a handout or sketch and turn it into a web page or eye-catching =
printed material.
b) Create and Edit HTML/Javascript based web=
-forms and have them capture and display data stored in Access=A0 & SQL =
The ability to communicate tech-speak to tech-unsavv=
y people is a must. Other tasks include updating links and other text around=
the site as information changes, creating graphics that fit with the site, =
and helping students at the office with any computer problems that arise. Th=
e office has PCs as well as Macs, so troubleshooting experience with both is=
a plus.
Additional Information
Position Type: Part-=
Time, On-Campus Federal Work Study, On-Campus Non Federal Work Study, Paid, =
Fall, Spring, Summer, Winter
Salary Level: competitive and negotiable hou=
rly rate
Desired Start Date: January, 2009
Approximate Hours Per Week:=
12 – 20
– Must be a currently matri=
culated NYU Student
– FEDERAL WORK STUDY recipients preferred
– Strong=
knowledge of HTML & JavaScript required
– Adobe Photoshop & Illu=
– Familiarity with CSS
– Knowledge of Flash
– Must be famil=
iar with Macs (specifically OS X) and PC operating systems
-Flexible, det=
ail oriented, able to work independently and in collaboration with others
Submit resume, cover letter, and URL to any =
samples of previous web-design work to Christopher Thunberg via e-mail at


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