Hi list I am looking to hire a recent graduate to join a large scal=
e media project as the multi-media video assistant.
Part Time
t Date: Now
20-30 hours a week through September
This is a paid positi=
The project is international and involves multiple video formats such a=
s ipod/phone, broadcast billboard, web streaming, projection,
interactive website, interactive book, and site specific installation work.=
=A0 The candidate needs to be highly skilled at editing video in Final Cut a=
nd After Effects.
Responsibilities Include
-video editing (1080p footage)
-exporting to multiple video formats
-after effects animation
– flash =
scripting and flash animation
-website- html, flash, css,
-basic know=
ledge of graphic design
-processing and or max/msp/jitter programming
The environment is hig=
h intensity, busy and fun!=A0
Candidates should email the follow=
ing to dkarwas@gmail.com
2. at least 2 references
3. reel
4. portfolio of work
If files are larger than 2MB please make them a=
web download.=A0
Please put VIDEO PROJECT in the subject line.
Interviews will begin on the 20th of May.
Thank you,
Dana Karwas
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