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JOB: Interaction Design Visiting Artist at Teague


2727 Western Avenue, Number 200
Seattle, WA 98121

Interaction Design Visiting Artist
Teague offers a unique opportunity for a visiting artist to
collaborate with interaction and industrial designers in a world-
class studio with a 82-year history. While the studio has a
reputation for progressive thinking and does great work in product,
interaction, and aviation design, we seek to work with an artist/
designer to bring the point-of-view and methodologies of design as
research to the studio. We look for input and inspiration to further
our inquiries of design in a technological and networked future, and
reflect on our roles not just as problem solvers, but as meaning
makers. The Interaction Design group will take the lead in working
with the artist, but the position will work with the entire studio
and have access to its minds, tools, and resources.

Areas of focus may include but are not limited to physical
prototyping, calm computing and tangible UI, and social agendas and
effects of technology. We are less interested in technology as a
medium or tool for more traditional artistic concerns such as
perception. The visiting artist must be able to write their own
proposals, with the attendant ability to make complex issues
tangible. The position also contains a teaching component depending
on the artist

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