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[FREELANCE JOBS] HTML and Flash Developers for NYU Abu Dhabi

Hi all,
I’ve just been given RFPs for two short-term web dev freelance gigs
for NYU Abu Dhabi. I haven’t reviewed them thoroughly yet, but I’ve
been told one is to code a static HTML/CSS site based on existing
mock-ups and the other involves creating fairly basic Flash
slideshows. If you’re interested in either or both, hit me off list
and I’ll send you the PDFs. The deadline for proposals is very short
(this Wednesday), with the job itself due July 1st.

———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Kate Monahan
Date: Tue, May 19, 2009 at 12:12 AM
Subject: [Fwd: a new NYUAD RFP]
To: Kate Monahan

Kate Monahan
New York University
Information Technology Services
Faculty Technology Services
10 Astor Place, #503IB
New York, NY 10011

Hi Kate

Here’s the RFP for a Flash developer. I’m also re-sending the RFP for an
HTML developer (no change here.)

Ben suggested that the ITP graduates might be interested in this work. Could
you post these so that they will be able to bid on this work?

Thanks for your help with this!

Jen Sloan
Web Communication Manager NYU Abu Dhabi

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