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JOB: Institute of Play looking to hire! Database, and Application Developers: Contract positions

> ——————————
> Hi All,
> The Institute of Play is looking for Database developer and a few
> Application developers to work on our wellness social network for
> the new 6-12 grade NYC digital public school opening this Fall. We
> are looking to hire immediately!
> See details of the positions and contact info below. Forward on to
> others who may be interested…
> Cheers,
> Pollie
> ———————————–
> The Institute of Play, a games and learning non-profit based in New
> York City, is looking to hire a freelance data base person. The
> project involves the development of a scalable wellness social
> network for Quest to Learn, a new 6-12 grade NYC public school
> opening this Fall. Quest to Learn supports a dynamic curriculum
> that uses the underlying design principles of games to create
> highly immersive, game-like learning experiences. Learn more about
> Quest to Learn: and the Institute of Play here:
> The database you will build will support applications specific to
> the wellness social network. This project involves the personal
> data of minors so security is of the upmost importance.
> Major Responsibilities:

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