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[Job] Freelance Web Development Gig

Hi list,

A friend of mine is looking for a web developer/designer fo=
r his site He needs an=
interface/management page that would allow him to update the site content w=
ithout having to modify any HTML/CSS.

Below please find the descriptions from him:

Besides general updates, mainly on

I want an interface to upload new site listings on

That is similar to the one I have for uploading gear for sale at=

I'd want to easily upload add/subtract

Class site names, address, website (linked), phone number


Any addtl notes on the class site

Check mark if open to the public

We could have class site description choices:

After School Program, Community Education, Community Center, Music Studio/S=
chool, Private Lessons, Church, Temple, Camp

Maybe camps, instead of being a different section like now, could be in
a different color, but listed under their appropriate state

(And such could be noted at the top of the page)

Categorized by State– similar to the present categories

Most recent additions could be at the top of each state=92s list

Maybe columns or pages could be made so less scrolling is necessary

If you are interested in this gig, please email me at=

Thanks a lot,

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