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JOB: fbFund Finalist, Live Music Discovery Site Seeks Technical Cofounder

fbFund Finalist, Live Music Discovery Site Seeks Technical Cofounder

About us:

– We’re fbFund 2009 finalists.
– We graduated from Stanford University in an entrepreneurship focused
Master’s program that spanned coursework from the Graduate School of
Business, the Hasso Plattner Institute of Design, and Stanford HCI.
– We’re well connected to the music industry, from music startup veterans to
the major ticket distributors.
– We’re passionate about live music, and hungry to attack the $4.2B primary
ticketing market.
– Above all, we’re here to build great products and user experiences.

About you:

– You’re as opinionated about software as you are about music.
– You rock out every morning to the tune of your own calling, even if that
morning begins at noon.
– You do it because you love it.
– Code is your calling

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