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JOB: Art+Culture asst to founder

> Art+Culture
> (
> How Things Go Together
> Assistant to Founder
> Art+Culture ( has just launched its
> beta, described as a multi-disciplinary lastfm, where anyone can
> upload media, add public artists, blog postings, their own work and
> more across all disciplines of the arts. The new site went into
> beta a little less than a month ago and has become very active.
> I am looking for some one very web 2.0 smart that can help me on
> the many things going on including continuing our outreach in the
> social media space, adding to our twitter account (http://
>, facebook account (http://
>, getting our
> collective blog features out to other sites via rss (http://
>, helping guide and setting up a
> forum, the FAQ’s, reaching out into the blogosphere, organizing our
> newsletter with curators all over the world and a host of other
> things.
> For some one with a love of the arts, critical thinking,
> appreciation of things smart and beautiful, a good tone in
> communicating with creative people all over the word and deep into
> the web, social media and its technologies, this is an exciting
> job. Facility with Flash, Final Cut Pro, In Design, html,
> familiarity with Ruby on Rails, big plus.
> Pay $15 an hour. The number of hours per week we can determine.
> Please review (, send an email with
> some thoughts on the site and your interest to
> ‘
> Marc Lafia
> Founder, Chief Creative Officer
> Art+Culture
> How Things Go Together

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