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Fwd: [Fwd: know any developers looking for a job?] – Ruby on Rails

An opportunity for a Ruby on Rails developer in Rome, Italy or willing to r=
elocate to Italy.


——– Original Message ——–
Subject: =A0 =A0 =A0 =A0know any developers looking for a job?
Date: =A0 Wed, 24 Jun 2009 21:08:14 +0200
From: =A0 Johanna Brewer <>

Hi Everyone:
Sorry for the mass email but I wanted to get in touch because as you may
(or may not) know I've recently co-founded a new start-up. We are a
web-based service that allows users to find music from emerging artists
who play in local venues nearby. We are currently seeking a Ruby on
Rails developer to join the team and so I thought I might pass the job
offer on to you in case you know someone looking for work in this lovely
time of economic crisis ;] The office is in Rome (yes, Italy) and we are
looking for someone to come here and work with us in the sun. We've als=
have some space for interns if you know anyone looking for a bit of
industry experience. Please feel free to circulate this as you see fit.
I hope all is well!

: johanna.

RoR Developer with a Love of Music

We are an early stage start-up developing a web/mobile application that
combines the best of social networking, music distribution, and
location-based services and we are looking for a skilled web developer
with a range of abilities. We are searching for not only a star coder,
but also a critical thinker who can generate insightful solutions to
real world implementation challenges and ultimately bring a creative
flair to our application design.

The founders have years of collective experience in this space and a
passion for music, creative commons, and web applications that are
actually fun and relevant to our lives. We are looking for someone who
is, like us, equally enthusiastic about culture and code.

What we offer:
=95 A competitive salary on par with that of the founders (we believe in
being in the same boat)
=95 An equity package (for those committed to the long haul)
=95 The chance to live and work in Rome, Italy

Who you are:
=95 An agile, insightful developer
=95 A great communicator
=95 A risk taker interested in getting on board a start-up at an early stag=
=95 A seasoned web developer who knows their back-end from their front-end
=95 A Ruby on Rails & MySQL genius

What you've got:
=95 Experience with DHTML/CSS
=95 A B.S. (or even better M.S./Ph.D.) in Computer Science or the equivalen=
=95 Fluency in English (a big plus if you speak Italian, or any other
language for that matter, as well)
=95 Experience or interest in iPhone application development
=95 A passion for Creative Commons, music, and life outside the office

Please send resumes or questions to

Enrico Costanza
Media and Design Laboratory
Ecole Polytechnique F=E9d=E9rale de Lausanne



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