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[job] Cool Web App


Someone I know is looking for someone to build an interesting=
web app. It's a sweepstakes site based on fantasy football. Users assem=
ble a team roster where players on the roster are given odds similar to hors=
e racing. Users place bets on each player, and the user with the most total =
points for that week wins cash.

Important things you should be able to do:
account managemen=
tpayments (paypal api)Javascript UI libraries and/or Flash=

PHP/MySQL is preferred but if you want to do it in somethi=
ng like Ruby on Rails that is entirely possible. Pay is pretty good, and you=
can keep working after this project is done if you want. Please send resume=
and examples to me and put [fantasy football] in the subject so I don't=
miss it. Thanks!

Josh Berry

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