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INTERN: Fall 2009 Internships at StoryCorps, an Arts/Media Nonprofit

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ryCorps Fall 2009 Internships

Our interns are intelligent, cur=
ious, motivated, and resourceful individuals devoted to inspiring and assist=
ing everyday Americans in recording their stories in sound. Internships are =
available in both the Program and the Operations side of our Peabody Award-w=
inning nonprofit organization.

Unless otherwise noted, StoryCorps inte=
rns work in the morning (9:30 AM=E2=80=931:30 PM) or in the afternoons (1:30=
PM=E2=80=935:30 PM) Monday through Friday for a total of 20 hours per week.=
StoryCorps provides a weekly stipend of $55 to help cover lunch and transpo=
rtation expenses.

StoryCorps is a fast-paced, supportive, and creative=
work environment with offices in Brooklyn, New York.

Fall 200=
internship opportunities at the StoryCorps offices:

Business Development InternInformation Technology Intern Participant Relations InternRecording & Archive Intern StoryBooth InternSto=
ryKit Intern To apply: Please send cover lett=
er and resume to internship@sto= and include your last name and the semester for which you ar=
e applying in the subject line (e.g., =E2=80=9CSmith, Spring 2010=E2=80=B3).=
Include both cover letter and resume as attachments entitled =E2=80=9CYourN=
ameLetter=E2=80=9D and =E2=80=9CYourNameResume.=E2=80=9D In your cover lette=
r, please tell us how you found out about this opportunity, and identify the=
specific internship(s) in which you are interested. No calls please.

StoryCorps ( is an independent nonprofit project w=
hose mission is to honor and celebrate one another=E2=80=99s lives through l=

By recording the stories of our lives with the peopl=
e we care about, we experience our history, hopes, and humanity. Since 2003,=
tens of thousands of everyday people have interviewed family and friends th=
rough StoryCorps. Each conversation is recorded on a free CD to take home an=
d share, and
is archived for generations to come at the Library of Co=
ngress. Millions listen to our award-winning broadcasts on National Public R=
adio’s Morning Edition and our free podcasts on iTunes. StoryCorps is one of=
the largest oral history projects of its kind, creating a growing portrait =
of who we really are as Americans.

Help StoryCorps re=
cord more stories from communities like yours throughout the United States

Listening Is an Act of Love is now available in paperback

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