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INTERN: ArteEast internship opportunities (unpaid)

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* Development and Communications Intern
* Pro=
gram & Research Intern
* Web Development and Programming =

* Development and Communications Intern

ArteEast is a New York-based international nonprofit=
, established in 2003 by a group of
artists, =
filmmakers, curators, scholars and educators, that aims to present contempor=
artists from the Middle East, North Afric=
a and their diasporas to a wide audience in order
to foster a more complex understanding of the regions=92 arts and cultu=
res, and to
encourage artistic excellence.
Through public events, exhibitions, film screen=
ings, international film touring programs,
a =
dynamic virtual gallery and a resource-rich Web site, ArteEast not only supp=
orts artists
and filmmakers by providing th=
e platforms necessary for them to showcase their
groundbreaking and most significant work, but also gives the public the =
opportunities to
learn more about and develop=
appreciation for the talent of these established and
emerging artists.
Position Overview:=
ArteEast seeks a Development and Communica=
tions intern with a high degree of
y and interest in the Middle East. The intern will provide support to the Di=
of Development and Communications by r=
esearching foundations, corporations and other
grant opportunities; draft and edit LOIs, grant proposals and more; assist=
with shipping,
contacting donors; integrate =
ArteEast into social media platforms and help actively
update sites and connections; and more.
The intern will report to the Director of Development & Communicati=
! Familiarity with fundraising/foundations/private grants and donor cu=
! Familiarity with social media and=
! Excellent written, verbal commun=
ications skills; and organizational skills
! =
Strong computer skills in Microsoft Office applications
! Acute attention to detail and ability to manage several project=
s at once
! Enthusiasm/knowledge/background i=
n the Middle East and the arts
! Ability to m=
! Ability to organize time, work ind=
ependently, follow directions, and complete
asks in an effective manner.
! Fluency or pro=
ficiency in French, Arabic or Farsi highly desired
Please send resume to Suna Kafadar at
and include a short letter of
interest in the body of email.


* Program & Research Intern

ArteEast is a New York-based internationa=
l nonprofit, established in 2003 by a group of
artists, filmmakers, curators, scholars and educators, that aims to presen=
t contemporary
artists from the Middle East, =
North Africa and their diasporas to a wide audience in order

to foster a more complex understanding of the regions=92 art=
s and cultures, and to

encourage artistic exc=
Through public events, exhibitions, =
film screenings, international film touring programs,
a dynamic virtual gallery and a resource-rich Web site, ArteEast no=
t only supports artists
and filmmakers by pro=
viding the platforms necessary for them to showcase their
groundbreaking and most significant work, but also gives the pu=
blic the opportunities to
learn more about an=
d develop appreciation for the talent of these established and

emerging artists.

Position =
ArteEast seeks a Program & Rese=
arch intern, for the Fall Semester, with a high degree of
familiarity and interest in the Middle East. The intern will pr=
ovide support for curatorial
events, art/gall=
ery openings and film screenings, as well as day-to-day administrative
In additio=
n, the Intern will provide support for a research and marketing report that
explores the impact of the Internet on the di=
stribution of Middle East cinema in the
d States. This project will include surveys of filmmakers, movie venues and
distribution companies, as well as online arc=
hival research.
The intern will report to the=
Program Coordinator/Managing Editor of ArteEast Online.
Tasks may include:
! Assistance w=
ith mailings of DVDs, contracts, etc.
! Ass=
istance on-site with events/film screenings/performances/lectures

! E-mail blasts to subscribers announcing upcoming even=
! Research for Executive Director on digit=
al distribution and Middle East cinema
! Dis=
tribution and collection of surveys to and from filmmakers, film venues and
distribution companies
! Enthusiasm/knowledg=
e/background in the Middle East
! Enthusiasm/=
knowledge/background in the arts
! Proficienc=
y in desktop publishing software, including MS Word, Excel, Publisher
and Outlook
! Abilit=
y to multitask, work independently, with minimal supervision

! Ability to follow directions

! Fluency or proficiency in French, Arabic or Farsi highly desired

Please send resume to Suna Kafadar at ska=
and include a short letter of

interest in the body of email.


* Web Development and Programming I=
ArteEast is a New York-bas=
ed international nonprofit, established in 2003 by a group of

artists, filmmakers, curators, scholars and educators, that=
aims to present contemporary

artists from th=
e Middle East, North Africa and their diasporas to a wide audience in order
to foster a more complex understanding of the=
regions=92 arts and cultures and to encourage
artistic excellence.
Through public events,=
exhibitions, film screenings, international film touring programs,

a dynamic virtual gallery and a resource-rich Web sit=
e, ArteEast not only supports artists
and f=
ilmmakers by providing the platforms necessary for them to showcase their
groundbreaking and most significant work, but a=
lso gives the public the opportunities to
rn more about and develop appreciation for the talent of these established a=
emerging artists.
Position Overview:
ArteEast seeks a =
Web Development and Programming intern for the Fall Semester. The

intern will play an important role in helping support a=
nd maintain our new Web site,
provide support=
for our online gallery and develop periodic e-newsletters.


! Strong inter=
est or background in the Middle East and Middle Eastern cinema and

! Experience devel=
oping in portal CMS
! Experience working with=
desktop publishing and e-mail applications, including
Excel, Word, Outlook and Publisher
! Proficient in Internet-based communication software, including Icontact
! Proficiency with PHP, Java, .NET, Apache, IIS=

! Ability to work independently or with little supervisi=
! Ability to multitask and balance multipl=
e projects
! Fluency or proficiency in French=
and/or Arabic is highly desired but not required
Please send resume to Suna Kafadar at and include a short letter of
interest in the body of email.

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