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[$$$] freelance web gig – WordPress, some database integration

Hi listies,

I need to hire a subcontractor to help me out with a sim=
ple web design job that involves migrating a client's site into Wordpres=
s so she has a simple web-based CMS.=A0 There will also be some work involvi=
ng a registration/contact form and integrating that with a database. Some in=
fo from the client below.

Please contact me offlist with your rates and if interested.


Make my site easy to update–perhaps something web-b=
ased so that I can
update from anywhere

Have a way that when people register for class or sign up for a mailing
list, their information automatically goes into a database that will allow
me to plug their information into other things like attendance spread
sheets, etc. =A0Right now when people sign up, I receive an email with all
their information, but I still have to re-enter all of it into the
database for my mailing list (also part of my hostbaby package) and then
again if I want to create an attendance sheet in excel.

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