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Posts published in “Day: September 16, 2009

INTERN: Cliqk Design Intern

Content-Type: text/html; charset=”WINDOWS-1252″ Cliqk D= esign Intern/Job Description / Fall 2009 241 Centre Street= , 5 West =95 New York, NY 10013 =95 212.941.5080 =95 …

JOBS: Drupal themers/developers

Looking to hire several more Drupal themers/developers. If you fit this description, or if you can recommend any non-ITPers who are Drupal pros, please email…

[INTERNSHIP] Teach PComp at a Fablab . . .

(apologies for the repost but . . .) Hey everyone, Just wanted to spread the word on the Greenfab internship I did last spring. It’s…