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JOB: Canal Street Communications Seeks Part-time Studio Manager for Laurie Anderson

Application deadline is 12pm on Wednesday, December 15.  Email the current studio manager Brad (contact below).  Brad and Laurie plan on interviewing candidates on Friday, December 17, so please be sure to submit your resume by the deadline if you wish to be considered!

Canal Street Communications Seeks Part-time Studio Manager – for Laurie Anderson

Canal Street Communications, an established multimedia artist studio, seeks a candidate for the 2-3-day/week position of Studio Manager. Interviewing immediately, salary commensurate with experience, ideal candidate has flexible, freelance schedule.

Overall Duties:

General management/maintenance of artist-run production studio/office located

in downtown Manhattan.

Studio manager is responsible for:

-General management of production studio.

-Maintenance of studio computer backup system, coordinating/troubleshooting with IT consultant on studio digital/technical issues.

-Overseeing recording and performance projects.

-Fielding press requests and scheduling interviews.

-Studio archiving and assistance with wide variety of performance/art/music/tech/literary projects.

-Advance & coordination of performance tours.

-Coordinating & managing various art installations.

Studio/Office Duties:

-Day to day studio maintenance, filing, phones/email/mailings.

-Overseeing of all studio computer systems and equipment.

-Website maintenance/updates & studio e-list announcements.

-Daily scheduling and personal assistance to artist.

-Fielding and managing usage and reproduction requests.

-Liaising with artist’s gallery to coordinate touring exhibitions and loan requests.

-Assistance with production of artist books.

-Development of studio e-commerce.

-Scheduling and working with AV designers & technicians on wide variety of projects.

-Maintenance of insurance archive of studio inventory.

-Coordinating all studio invoices/billing/budgets with Business


Tour Duties:

-Advancing tour travel and logistics.

-Liaising with Tour Management company and tour personnel on production issues.

-Managing budgets & creating personnel agreements.

-Arranging and coordinating shipping of equipment.

-Creating itineraries and coordinating all logistics when artist is on tour.

Studio is Mac-based and candidate should have exceptional digital and AV skills including knowledge of scanning, photo printing, digital SLR cameras and digital video, familiarity with basic digital & audio equipment, cabling & formats. Studio Manager should be able to work quickly and proficiently in the following programs:

-Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Lightroom, Acrobat

-Microsoft Word, Excel, Powerpoint

-Mac Mail

-ICal & Mobile Me syncing

-Iphone/Ipad proficiency, troubleshooting

-Final Cut Pro

-FTP programs, very basic proficiency with HTML

-Apple Keynote, Pages, Aperture

-Toast Titanium

-FileMaker Pro

-DVD Studio Pro

-Quicktime Pro

-Working knowledge of audio software (ProTools, Logic Studio, Ableton Live) a plus but not required.

-Working knowledge of Quickbooks helpful.

Additional qualifications: extremely organized, resourceful and self-motivated, excellent communication/writing/editing skills, ability to multitask and manage deadlines, professional demeanor and cheerful disposition, physically strong & able to lift/move moderate equipment, fluent knowledge of New York City.

Please email brief introduction/overview of qualifications along with resume to: