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lecturer job for media studies (ohio)

Miami University (Ohio) is searching for a Lecturer to teach courses in interactive media studies. Lecturer is a continuing, non-tenurable teaching appointment.

Basic Qualifications:  Bachelor’s degree in any relevant discipline, with a strong educational background in the discipline; demonstrated expertise in digital technology, theory and practice; and a record of professional/creative work in the field of interactive/information design. The ideal candidate would have the ability and desire to originate and participate in interdisciplinary curricular initiatives, and would have the skills and desire to both design and build digital artifacts.

Preferred Qualifications:  A graduate degree; accomplished teaching experience at the college level. Individuals working in areas of information/data visualization and web-based/interface design would be encouraged to apply.

Duties:  Teach courses in interactive media studies; work with new media technologies and their intellectual, conceptual, and theoretical foundations; establish vision for the infusion of interactive/information design into IMS curriculum, and impacting departments/programs throughout the university.

Date to Begin Screening Applications: 02-01-2011

Closing Date:  Open Until Filled

Special Instructions to Applicants: Send letter of interest including contact information with email, vita, contact information for three references; examples of recent work and examples of student work (in a digital format); and statement of teaching philosophy via email to: Peg Faimon, Committee Chair,; information see