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[job] system architect for disaster management startup

For anyone interested in the position, please send me a resume and contact information if you are interested in further details. The position would be located in the Silicon Valley area, at a start-up working on software relating to disaster management.



System architect:

-Comprehensive knowledge of LAMP platform – Linux, Apache, MySql, PHP

-Familiar with Ajax and HTML5 – Web 3.0 Focus

-Understand user Interfaces: Command and control rooms, smartphones, laptops, Ipad’s and industrial PDA’s

-Know real time collaboration system

-Do data mining based on historical data and real time data

-Integration with sensors and other systems

Need a person with 3-10 years experience who is highly skilled and wants to work in an international team.

Jeannie A. Stamberger, Ph.D.

Adjunct Faculty

Carnegie Mellon Silicon Valley

Associate Director – Strategic Projects and Funding

Disaster Management Initiative

NASA Ames Research Campus

Room 107, Building 23

Moffett Field, California

+1 (650) 380-1158