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[Job] A/V Student Assistants

The Law School A/V dept is looking for NYU student assistants for the spring. They’re good people; they got a mean karaoke machine. Email Michelle directly for details.


We can hire people for work-study or non-work study for up to 20 hours. They must be students, and we prefer people who won’t be graduating after the semester (ie., who can continue working next year if it works out).

As I mentioned, we are looking to fill some specific slots in our weekly schedule, specifically:

  • Weekday mornings starting at 8am (for 4 – 5 hours, depending on how many days they work) – This would be primarily administrative work, with some in-the-field A/V assistance.
  • Weekends as needed (on call, but also possibly regularly scheduled – this can be discussed) – This would be primarily special events A/V work and general equipment maintenance.

Feel free to forward this information on to your contacts, and anyone who is available during the times we need can contact me directly by e-mail. They can attach their resume and any other information that may be helpful (a formal cover letter is unnecessary).

Michelle Chai