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Hi there,
I’m posting for a friend whose company has been accepted into an incubator for the summer. He is looking for someone who not only can expand the current codebase, but who can add automated tests (it has none); ensure it fits into a framework (it looks to be in some type of partial framework, I’m not sure which one unless hand-rolled); and bring it up to par so it can expand well. He can explain more of the details:  If you’re interested, contact “Mike Fisher” <>. Good luck!
From Mike:

We want to bring on a dedicated developer for the time we’re in the program to maximize our efficiency and enable us to be as flexible as possible.  Our current site is a mixture of php, javascript, and AJAX.  Plus we use a custom MySQL database to automatically build our ordering system, photo and video Storyboard, dashboard, and email systems.  We handle the front end of the system using a GUI web program, which outputs a mixture of HTML, CSS, and javascript.  See our site

We are not locked into what our current developer has done (I’m sure he has some ugly hacks), but we need to maintain the functionality to service customers.

Our first goal is to automate as many steps in our workflow as possible and make everything more efficient.  We also have specific areas that we want to improve the functionality and usability. Finally, we have some ideas of possible iPhone apps.

The idea is to have someone dedicated full time for the 10 weeks of the program.  Obviously it will help to have them start looking at our stuff ahead of time.  The perfect person would have a real interest in what we’re doing (weddings, small business, photo and video) and possibly want to become an early member of our team.  We’ll have some money to spend ($5-$10k), but the ideal person would want the opportunity to join us on the ground floor as we build a new national brand.  This summer would be a great trial to see if there is a match.  We don’t need them to relocate to Austin (although that would be great). Of course we realize finding the ‘perfect’ person will be tough.

