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PhD Scholarship at Rostock, Germany

Dear Friends,
the Visual Computing Research and Innovation Center was founded by Fraunhofer IGD and the University of Rostock
to support a successful chain from basic research to industrial application.
In this context we are offering with immediate effect
One PhD Scholarship
in Computer Science or Mechanical/Electrical Engineering for the following topic.

User Interface Adaption and distributed displays
User Interface Adaption includes adaptation and adjustment to a given device environment. Several solutions and approaches are known. For applications in production and maintenance adaption has to be extended to serve skills and competences, tasks and roles, as well as multi-display environments. Research approaches for generalized user interface design are to be extended and shall be integrated with task models and user profiling approaches. Another objective is to develop approaches to distribute information presentation and interaction in multi-display environments integrating notebooks, smartphones, multi-touch tables, powerwalls or tablets. Research questions include methods for linked information presentation, interaction methods (local, global interaction) and management methods for information distribution on several and different types of displays. Other topics include information personalization by presentation adaptation in multi-display environments regarding location and role of one and more users.

What we are offering

  • Scholarship with attractive conditions
  • Integration in a highly motivated team
  • Access to the postgraduate academy at the University of Rostock and the Seminars of Fraunhofer IGD
  • A pleasing surrounding in the Hanseatic City of Rostock, Germany, at the Baltic Sea

How to apply

Identify a fitting research topic and develop your idea as a research proposal.
Submit the following documents to vcric(at)

  • Draft research proposal of approx. 1.500 words
  • M.Sc. certificates or equivalent
  • Your CV
  • Two letters of reference

Contact the principal researchers for further information and/or discussion of the research proposal: Prof. Bodo Urban (bodo.urban(at)

Further details are available at:

Kind regards,

Gerald Bieber

Dipl.-Ing. Gerald Bieber
Fraunhofer-Institut für Graphische Datenverarbeitung IGD
Joachim-Jungius-Str. 11, 18059 Rostock , Germany
Tel +49 381 4024-125,  Fax +49 381 4024-199,
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