Seeking help programming a web feature for Arthur Miller who is celebrating his 50th year of teaching.
Basically, we are looking to build a dynamic diagram of law faculty around the world that have been taught by Arthur Miller directly, or taught by someone he has taught and so on. Kind of like the Degrees of Kevin Bacon.
I’m attaching a very rough sketch of the concept that shows the core 3 screens. There would need to be a couple more screens for ‘about the project’ and for data input.
The core screens would be:
1. from Arthur Miller/NYU draw lines out to law schools where faculty taught by arthur miller are teaching
2. after clicking on a school, the second view would show everyone at the school that has a direct or indirect path to arthur miller (by degree of separation).
3. clicking on a name in view 2 would take you to a visualization of the path from Arthur Miller to the person clicked.
We don’t have tons of money for the project, but I think enough to make it worth while for a student looking for a paid project and some good experience.
Thanks for any input on who we might talk to. Hope your own projects are going well.
........................................................ Clayton Gates Web Director NYU School of Law 110 W. 3rd St. New York, NY 10012 212 992 8995