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[CALL / NIME community] NIME submission deadline extended to February 7, 2012

The submission deadline for the international conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME-2012) at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor has been extended for all submission categories.

The new deadline is February 7, 2012.

The conference web-site can be found at:

We invite submission of new works in the following categories:

* Paper (oral/poster/demo)
* Performance
* Installation
* Workshop


* Paper/performance/installation/workshop submission: Extended to 7 February 2012
* Review notification: 16 March 2012
* Final paper deadline: 20 April 2012

For any further information/questions/comments/suggestions, please contact the organizing committee.


Novel controllers and interfaces for musical expression
Novel musical instruments
Mobile music technologies
Augmented/hyper instruments
Novel controllers for collaborative performance
Interfaces for dance and physical expression
Interactive game music
Robotic music
Interactive sound and multimedia installations
Interactive sonification
Sensor and actuator technologies
Haptic and force feedback devices
Interface protocols and data formats
Motion, gesture and music
Perceptual and cognitive issues
Interactivity design and software tools
Sonic interaction design
NIME intersecting with game design
Musical mapping strategies
Performance analysis
Performance rendering and generative algorithms
Machine learning in performance systems
Experiences with novel interfaces in live performance and composition
Surveys of past work and stimulating ideas for future research
Historical studies in twentieth-century instrument design
Experiences with novel interfaces in education and entertainment
Reports on student projects in the framework of NIME related courses
Artistic, cultural, and social impact of NIME technology
Biological and bio-inspired systems
Musical human-computer interaction
Multimodal expressive interfaces
Practice-based research approaches/methodologies/criticism