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[JOB] Seeking Mobile App Developer

Seeking Mobile App Developer
My name is LIsa Lindberg — I am a business professional and entrepreneur who has worked in the commercial and not-for-profit world and noticed that there is a lack of tools for people who want to keep track of their work accomplishments and achievements on an ongoing basis.
I am in the first stages of developing an app which makes it easy to format and keep track of accomplishments on an ongoing basis.
Your mission, should you choose to accept it, will be to work out the conceptual and technical aspects of this app with me  (I would, perhaps, like to split this project into two parts – the first is concept and design and the second is the programming and testing).  I need someone to research it further, brainstorm with me to help me refine it, take it through additional iterations, and then program it.
If you feel like this is a job you can be enthusiastic about, I would love to talk with you and discuss how your experience is suited to bring this across the finish line (my Olympics reference).
I would like to be efficient and expeditious about this, so I would welcome your estimate on the timeframe for completing this work – either as a complete project or a two part project.
My name is Lisa Lindberg and I can be reached at