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[JOBs] Physical Computing Grader & Tutor, NYU’s Department of Computer Science

A grader and a tutor position are available for my Physical Computing course at NYU’s Computer Science department.  Both positions require good familiarity with Arduino, Processing, Ohm’s law, voltage dividers, hooking up sensors, motors, etc.
Grade weekly assignments.  Give helpful criticism and advice to students.
* commitment = 10 hours per week
* pay = $1,750 per semester
* Help students by answering questions and debugging hardware & software projects.
* commitment = 10 hours per week
* pay = $2,030
Interested?  Email me.


 Amos Bloomberg
 Clinical Assistant Professor
 Department of Computer Science
 New York University
 251 Mercer Street, Room 424
 New York, New York  10012