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[CALL] Call for Artist / Northside Art / June 2014 / Brooklyn, NY

Call for Artist  /  Northside Art  /  June 2014  /  Brooklyn, NY    


                Deadline for submissions: May 12th 2014


Northside Festival

Northside Festival is NYC’s largest and most accessible discovery festival. Hundreds of bands, entrepreneurs, filmmakers, innovators, and over 80,000 fans converge on Brooklyn over eight days to witness the most incredible showcase of “what’s next in music, film, entrepreneurship, and art


Northside incorporates art into the festival by taking over the blocks of Bedford Ave in conjunction with Williamsburg Walks and Triskelion Arts.


Northside Art at Williamsburg Walks is a platform for art, interaction and community.

Temporary wall units, interactive installations and sculptures will be staggered throughout the block for live painting performances, graffiti, interactive installations and performance artists. In addition to the installations there will be a variety of related activities to engage in and pop up parks!


Northside Art is seeking proposals for:

1. Live painting/graffiti/collage

2. Interactive installations/workshops

3. Sculpture/stand alone installations

4. Performance artists
Send all submissions and questions to