Admin: Must know how to administer an ubuntu box from the command line. The person will need to meet with the Teachers College tech guy, create new users (i.e. for the web designers) needed, reset passwords if required, keep track of what users to delete when they leave the project, and install software packages as the web designers request them (php-curl or ssl packages for instance). And most important when something goes wrong, this person needs to be available to check on things. According to the tech guy, this will require a few hours of work per month in addition to needing to be available to fix any potential security issues that may arise.
2. Web-designer/developer. Although we can migrate and use many of the assets from the old site, we’ll also likely need to update and add new content. I’m not quite sure how extensive the work will be at this point (more than likely will only be part time), but can send you more specific info when I evaluate our budget.