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[JOB] Director of Technology, Friends Seminar in Manhattan

Friends Seminar in Manhattan is looking for a Director of Technology.

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May 11, 2014


After 10 years at Friends, our Director of Technology, George Orio, is beginning his move towards retirement. While at Friends, George has ushered us into the digital age in many ways including the launch of our 1:1 iPad program, development of wireless access throughout the campus and continued innovative use of classroom technology. While George will continue next year in a part-time capacity supporting classroom technology in the Lower School, he will step down from his director role. We will miss George’s leadership and his commitment to balancing our Quaker mission with the dizzying pace of technology change.

This brings us to the search for a new Director of Technology. Technology is revolutionizing the way kids learn and interact—ever smaller and more powerful computers and the endless possibilities represented by instant global connectivity. As such, we feel that our next Director of Technology will play a critical role for the School in addressing several challenges:
How can we leverage our growing expertise with iPads to expand the classroom, more powerfully engage students and ultimately strengthen the Friends experience?

In what ways will the burgeoning world of online learning play a role at Friends? Can we offer more online courses? Will we collaborate with other schools to offer online experiences? How do we stay true to meaning of a Friends education and our mission as we explore these frontiers?
How can we continue to build and develop our technology infrastructure? In 2013, we conducted an audit of our network and information infrastructure that resulted in significant upgrades to speed, storage and security. How can we continue to stay at the forefront of educational technology in ways that allow our teachers and students to push the envelope of what is possible?

Thanks to George, our school has a positive and forward-thinking relationship with technology. Our next Director will need the vision, leadership and strong commitment to education necessary to guide us through what will undoubtedly be a period of extraordinary change. We are conducting a broad and deliberate search for this position. A detailed job description is attached. If you know someone, send him or her our way!


Sisi Kamal & Will Hopkins
Search Committee co-clerks

Download the application here: Director of Technology Position