HTINK is looking for a teaching artist who can run/co-run 12 weeks of 3D printing after school program for elementary school kids (3rd to 5th grade). We have been working with PS107 in Park Slope, Brooklyn, for over 3 years now and the students have been a joy to work with.
Who we are looking for :
Someone who is passionate about 3d modeling/printing
Who has worked and enjoys working with kids at this age before and have great informal communications skills as well as classroom management skills.
Who is well versed with Tinkercad.com (what we use for elementary school kids) and knows how to scaffold tinkercad modeling tools according to students age group.
Who can troubleshoot a makerbot replicator 1st generation when needed.
Who can understand the logistics of a 3d modeling/printing after school class, with limited time frames ( when to print, what project )
Who can create fun challenges for students each week to let them express their creativity.
Who is quick on their feet when/if their is technical issues on computers (we are using mac airs ) or/and wifi connections.
The classes are currently held on Tuesdays between 3pm and 5pm. 50 minutes for 2nd and 3rd graders, 50 minutes for 4th and 5th graders. You will be partnered or teaching solo according your experience.
This is a great position if you want to teach part time, and it could lead to additional teaching opportunities with ongoing and future programs.
HTINK (pronounced “tink”- the “h” is silent) is an educational services cooperative (based on the Mondragon model) focused on spreading technical learning and creative problem solving skills to as many people as possible. We provide classes, workshops, and collaborative problem solving challenges for adults and children that promote hands-on learning and making.
We have worked with a lot of ITP students and Alumni over the years.
The managing team is currently formed of ITP Alumni.
We are a small team made of artists/tinkerers/designers passionate about maker education and spreading the joy of use of technology creatively around the globe.
If you are interested for this position please send a resume and/or brief cover letter why you are the person for this job to oya@htink.org and nelson@htink.org