Program: Online Bachelor’s Degree in Communication and Media (B.A.)
Name of Course: Communication Theory & Web Design (CC 302)
Type of Course: Required Perspective Course for Major
Credits: 3 Undergraduate Credits
Pre-requisite(s): None
Course Description: This course examines the role of the designer in interpreting and presenting data as clear and meaningful visual communication for the web. Particular emphasis is placed on core theories and techniques of web design, including design aesthetics, information architecture, page layouts, design theory and user research. Additionally, a very basic introduction to HTML and CSS practical skills will be offered.
1. Above the Fold: Understanding the Principles of Successful Web Site Design [Paperback]
Brian Miller
ISBN: 9781440308420
First Edition (2011)
HOW Books
List price $30 Used from $12.75. Kindle edition $14.99
Above the Fold is a book about the fundamentals of effective graphic communication in the context of Web design. Unlike other books that focus on the intersection of design and technology, Above the Fold explores the relationship between the stakeholders of a Web project– the designer, the user and the client — and how this continuous cycle affects the decisions made by successful Web designers. Above the Fold is not a technical manual or how-to book, nor is it about timely trends; it’s about lasting fundamentals of layout, usability and measurement that lead to a successful digital product.
2. HTML & CSS: Design and Build Websites
John Duckett
ISBN: 9781118008188
First Edition (2011)
Wiley Books
This supplemental textbook is a manual explaining in a highly accessible and attractively presented format how to use HTML and CSS to build websites. There will be weekly assigned readings from this book. These readings will provide a technical perspective on the assignments drawn from Above the Fold, which are primarily theoretical and creative. The midterm will be based on these readings, so, make sure not to neglect or fall behind on this material.
Other Course Requirements:
Students must have access to a computer with the ability to communicate via Blackboard using video and audio
Collaborate. This requires a basic (inexpensive) computer video camera. In the event that it is deemed necessary, the professor reserves the right to hold an individual Blackboard Collaborate session upon request using both video and audio with a student at mutually agreed upon time.
Students must agree to:
• Have regular access to the Internet, whether at home, at the College, or elsewhere.
• Regularly access their SPS/CUNY e-mail account, and only use that account for all class-related
• Be able to conduct basic research online.
• Be able to access and use a basic word processing software that includes spelling and grammar check
• Be responsible for learning how to navigate the functionality of Blackboard. They are not hard to learn and
• Complete and deliver all assigned coursework on time.
• Log on to the course on Blackboard regularly and often. I recommend doing so at least once a day. Keep
• Abide by all the stipulations in the Honor Code/General Course Agreement.
Learning Objectives:
Upon successful completion of this course, students can expect to be able to:
• Demonstrate an understanding of the history and role of professional designers in creating and
• Understand concepts of website design and operation, and be able to apply theories in the use and
• Conduct research and evaluate information by methods appropriate to the website design and
• Understand the metrics by which websites are evaluated.
Program Learning Objectives/Competencies addressed by the course:
Inquiry and Critical Thinking
• Analyze complex issues and make informed decisions.
• Collect, critically evaluate, and synthesize information from a variety of sources.
• Apply investigative methods and reasoning styles characteristic of different liberal arts and sciences fields.
• Be able to read, write and speak effectively in English.
• Express ideas and facts clearly in a variety of written and quantitative forms, differentiating
• Comprehend accurately and respond appropriately to written and oral communications.
• Use new technology tools to organize and enhance written and oral presentations.
Cultural Diversity and Social Responsibility
• Articulate and incorporate ethical and moral considerations into communication, planning and decision-
• Show evidence of understanding and acting for the “common good.”
• Seek knowledge and understanding of cultural diversity; behave in ways that respect diverse values and
• Understand the role of ethics and values in making personal and professional decisions.
• Synthesize information from a variety of textual and other sources.
• Generate new ideas and combine existing ideas in new ways.
• Analyze and manage novel information.
Teamwork and Leadership
• Contribute productively and responsibly to team projects.
• Communicate with collaborators in ways that motivate and generate positive reactions from team
Knowledge Base
• Recall and use disciplinary information from a variety of liberal arts disciplines in analyzing issues and
• Communicate in a way that reflects a familiarity with the most fundamental facts, concepts, issues and
Course Grading and Requirements:
At the conclusion of the semester, each student will be given a letter grade, from A to F, calculated in accordance with SPS grading policy. The projects and exams will incorporate a measure of all of the above Learning Objectives.
• Discussion Board Weekly Assignments (70%) —The Discussion Boards are a crucial part of the work
• Midterm Exam (10%): This exam will be a practical exercise whose purpose is to give you an
• Final Project (20%): Entering the final third part of the semester, students will be required to form teams
There is a no-excuse policy in this class.
There are no extra credit assignments except for a bonus course review that is worth 30 points.
You should make intelligent, well thought-out and well-written assignments and responses to questions and to the postings of your classmates on the Discussion Boards. Spell check and grammar check all postings. Use a business-appropriate style of writing for assignments and your Discussion Board postings. When requested, support your answers with quotes from research or the assigned reading.
“i tnk u ryte gud :-)” will earn you zero points :-(
That means correct spelling, capitalization and punctuation. Here are two Web sites with information on the style or writing required for your Discussion Board postings:
Your responses to the postings of others may be informal and brief but should comment on the content of the
posting and should have something intelligent to say about the original posting. Stay on the topic and on relevant
issues such as the subject of writing or the relevance of content to writing, journalism, grammar, etc. Your
personal opinions about society or politics or postings that are not relevant to writing will not earn points.
Failure for Excessive Absence will be in excess of (2) classes. One week participation in Discussion Board or
the delivery of a week’s assignments is the equivalent of one week of attendance. If you miss three weeks of
work in this course, (that means that you do not log on to the Discussion Boards or complete an assignment for
any three weeks) you will fail the course according to CUNY attendance policies. Participation in Discussion
Boards and completion of assignments constitute attendance, hence regular participation is vital to your grade.
Grading Information
How do you keep track of your grade?
Your current point total is available anytime in the Blackboard Grade Center. If you are approximately within 10%
of the number of points possible, you are doing A level work. Within 20% is approximately a B. 30% a C. 40% a
D. Below 40% an F.
Assignments will be penalized for lateness. One point will be penalized for every day late at the beginning of the
semester. More points (5 per day) will be penalized starting with the MidTerm/Final Exam Assignments Part 1
and Part 2 and continuing to the end of the semester.
Here are the metrics that determine the grade for the weekly writing assignments:
• (C) Overall Content, including your use of logic, the originality of your ideas and the effectiveness of your
• (R) The quality of your Research, including the quantity and quality of your referenced material.
• (O) The Organization of your writing, including your structure, and the logic development of your structure
• (W) Word use including vocabulary and grammar
• (S) Stylistic and technical elements, including appearance, consistent citing of references, spelling and
The weighting of each of these elements will be as follows: C=45, R=25, O=10, W=10, S=10 points
Weekly Work Schedule:
Week 0 – Self-Introduction, Submit Honor Code,
Week 1 – Understanding Web Design
Week 2 – Anatomy of a Website
Week 3 – Web Design Unity
Week 4 – Web Design Lists, Images, Tables
Week 5 – Elements of Web Design
Week 6 – Web Typography
Week 7 – Site Planning and Site Mapping
Week 8 – Elements of Usability
Week 9 – Midterm Web Design Project
Week 11 – Search Engine Optimization
Week 12 – Marketing and Conversion
Week 13 – Analytics
Week 14 – Forming Final Project Teams
Week 15 – Work on Final Team Project
Week 16 – Delivery of Final Team Project
Total points possible 972.
ACCESSIBILITY AND ACCOMMODATIONS: The CUNY School of Professional Studies is firmly committed to making higher education accessible to students with disabilities by removing architectural barriers and providing programs and support services necessary for them to benefit from the instruction and resources of the University. Early planning is essential for many of the resources and accommodations provided. Please see:
ONLINE ETIQUETTE AND ANTI-HARASSMENT POLICY: The University strictly prohibits the use of University online resources or facilities, including Blackboard, for the purpose of harassment of any individual or for the posting of any material that is scandalous, libelous, offensive or otherwise against the University’s policies. Please see:
ACADEMIC INTEGRITY: Academic dishonesty is unacceptable and will not be tolerated. Cheating, forgery, plagiarism and collusion in dishonest acts undermine the educational mission of the City University of New York and the students’ personal and intellectual growth. Please see:
STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES: If you need any additional help, please visit Student Support Services:
James L. Richardson
Academic Director & Associate Professor
Communication and Media Program
CUNY School of Professional Studies
101 West 31st Street
New York, NY 10001
ph: 212-652-2031
Academic Director & Associate Professor
Communication and Media Program
CUNY School of Professional Studies
101 West 31st Street
New York, NY 10001
ph: 212-652-2031