My name is Jordan Pailthorpe and I am a Project Manager at the Engagement Lab at Emerson College. Clay Shirky suggested you might be able to connect us to a hardware engineer who would be interested in doing some part-time contracting work on a new project that starts immediately.
We are looking to hire a hardware engineer who would be able to design sensors that can measure hand washing behaviors on Tippy Tap systems in Ghana (read below) and help us understand the data these sensors collect. This is part of a research project we are working on with UNICEF Ghana that has the potential to have a very large social impact.
If you wouldn’t mind passing this call to anyone you know that might be interested in this project (or providing me with contacts for anyone you think might be interested that I could reach out to directly) I would very much appreciate it, as we do need to find someone to start as soon as possible.
Thank you so much for your time!