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JOB: Beat Making Lab


We are Beat Making Lab – a Hip Hop and Electronic music cultural and vocational exchange program working in vulnerable and disenfranchised communities around the world. We donate studios to community centers, train youth, musicians and community leaders in beat making, and amplify voices through an Emmy-award winning PBS web series. The series is evolving right now to a television show.


We are seeking members of the ITP community who are interested in the cross section of music and coding. Our idea is simple: everyone should be able to make beats and create music. Open source technology is the way to do it. We strive to develop an open source beat making lab software that can work on all platforms (Mac, Windows, Linux and Chromebook).


In Beat Making Lab, we use both the open source software Audacity and expensive software called Reason 6 to teach students how to make beats. Our aspirations to make the Beat Making Lab a global phenomenon mean we need the software we use to be cost effective and easy to share. Reason 6 isn’t an option for most of our international students, so we decided to develop our own software.


So who’s with us? We need coders, artists, writers, beat makers, marketers, and many others to help make Open Beats successful. If you are interested helping out or you would like more information, send us an email ( and let’s get started.