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CALL: Fully funded PhD studentship in Sustainable HCI: Social computing for food and sustainable living

A fully funded, full-time, three-year PhD studentship dedicated to this project is being offered at Northumbria University to start in October 2017.

Deadline for applications: 20 January 2017

In the UK our food system is unsustainable with production, distribution and consumption accounting for 27% of total direct greenhouse gas emissions. The Internet has had a major impact on food in terms of how it is distributed, but also how we share knowledge and skills about things like cooking and growing using online community platforms. The design of digital technologies that mediate our food practices can have a huge impact on their sustainability.

This PhD would explore how social computing and interaction design – supporting the growing, procuring, and cooking of food – affect engagement and the dissemination of knowledge and skills required for alternative forms of consumption. This will include an exploration of the urban and digital design space of sustainable food through research on the practices of existing online and offline food communities, as well as prototyping and participatory design to investigate how sustainable practices can be better fostered and supported.


For further details on how to apply, entry requirements and the application form, see


For informal inquiries, please contact Adrian Clear