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Posts published in “Day: January 18, 2018


Student internships with Earth Celebrations — a non-profit organization engaging communities to generate ecological and social change through the arts; Earth Celebrations has worked closely…

CALL: KPCB Design Fellows

My name is Natalie Gavello and I work at Silicon Valley venture capital firm Kleiner Perkins (KPCB), where we’ve helped build world-changing companies like Google,…

Current Job Openings at StrongArm Technologies

StrongArm is the world’s leading safety science company, capturing, analyzing and delivering actionable insights that drive worker safety and enterprise value.  Utilizing complex smart sensors…

Student project: Hearing Assistance Innovation

HEARING LOSS INNOVATION NYU STUDENT INTERDISCIPLINARY TEAM OPPORTUNITY Professors Jan Blustein and Scott Taitel of NYU Wagner are seeking to form an interdisciplinary team of…

INTERN: Tool of North America – Internship

Internship – Interaction Designer A-list creative production company seeks an interaction design intern with a diverse skill set to join our innovation department. The ideal…