I’m reaching out because Marshmallow Laser Feast is currently looking for paid volunteers to help man a piece that we are premiering at Tribeca Film Festival.
Would you be able to send out the below information to the ITP and IMA student lists?
Marshmallow Laser Feast is looking for paid volunteers to help man our VR piece Evolver that is premiering at Tribeca Film Festival from June 05-20. We are doing a gallery showcase of Evolver and some additional MLF work at a venue at 120 Broadway. We’ve got some amazing partners – From Executive Producers Edward R. Pressman and Terrence Malick. Featuring music from Jonny Greenwood, Meredith Monk, Jóhann Jóhannsson, and Howard Skempton.
We’d need volunteers June 05-20th to help us with install, be onsite for the duration of the festival and help break it down. Volunteers will be paid $150 per day. Hours will be from 11:00am to 10:00pm with a one hour lunch break.
I’ve put together this spreadsheet where students that are interested can put in their info and the days that they are available. Once we have everyone’s availability we can schedule the best days for everyone to give people space between.
I’ve put together this spreadsheet where students that are interested can put in their info and the days that they are available. Once we have everyone’s availability we can schedule the best days for everyone to give people space between.
Please email oriana@marshmallowlaserfeast.com with any questions.