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CALL: CultureHub Residency & Re-Fest Call for Video Art

1. CultureHub Residency Open Call

The CultureHub Residency program will offer one-week residencies to artists September 9–December 13, 2024. Artists will receive one week of studio access with full technical support at CultureHub New York or Los Angeles to target specific areas of their project’s development and engage the CultureHub community around their work.

These residencies are designed to support artists as they get new work on its feet and in front of an audience. Preference will be given to proposals that have a clear vision for how to use our physical space and resources. We welcome projects that explore both online and in-person possibilities, but they must engage the physical studio in some way.

Deadline: May 12
2. Re–Fest Open Call for Video Art by Artists from Every Country
CultureHub is going live for one full week with a broadcast that features audio/visual artwork by artists from as many countries/cultures as possible. We will then stitch together the submissions to create a multi-day livestream of short video artworks that will be interrupted by live segments from international producers.
The theme of Re–Fest 2024 is Re-Source which asks the question: how do we open source Re–Fest so that artists and audiences can participate from anywhere in the world? Our open call is seeking short video works under 10 minutes.
Deadline: June 3