>> Seeking (Temp) Online Assistant Production Editor for Harper
>> Collins (www.harpercollins.com) whose responsibilities will
>> include copyediting, proofreading, and checking marketing copy and
>> designed layouts for HarperCollins.com and
>> HarperCollinsChildrens.com at various stages of production. This
>> includes sweepstakes, microsites, newsletters, and announcements.
>> Additional responsibilities include: copyediting author-generated
>> content in proprietary online content delivery tool, assisting in
>> the training of authors and staff in use of proprietary online
>> content delivery tool, providing customer support to users of
>> proprietary online content development tool via e-mail and
>> telephone, and providing backup for other members of the
>> department when needed.
>> Qualified candidates will possess five+ years of managing
>> editorial or production editorial experience at a book publisher.
>> Web experience a major plus. Excellent English-language skills
>> (including mastery of spelling, grammar, and punctuation), and
>> knowledge of publishing-industry standards and practices. Computer
>> skills and a working knowledge basic Microsoft Office suite
>> necessary; knowledge of basic HTML a major plus. All interested
>> candidates should send their resume to:
>> jennifer.berman@harpercollins.com