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[GIG] Interdisciplinary Artist seeks Mac-based Website Designer

Interdisciplinary Artist seeks Mac based ITP Website Designer

Please be local to New York and work on a Mac.

I am presently stuck in a keynote burnout and would be happy to move on to a less rococo and more linear on line editing system to create my
media . If you are a media artist who works in 3D that is a huge plus.

Please have a solid working knowledge in WordPress and cross platforming with an easy CMS update.

I am trying to use Keynote to structure the design of my multimedia design website.
I am creating the content for my website using my sound files, image files, video files, and all text related files.
My reels by concept in Keynote are becoming too fancy and subjective.

Ultimately I am guessing that this could be exported as HTML into WordPress.

I am a quick study, but it is best if you have a Mac with OS X 10.9.1, Keynote, Final Cut Pro, Adobe After Affects and Adobe Creative Suite,
and that you are willing to bring your laptop with you when we collaborate.

This is a paid gig by project which we can discuss when we meet.

Reclaim my domain move forward with branding my work and have a solid virtual presence on the web with an easy CMS update. Can you help me?

Please send me your URL to your website and a letter of introduction.
Please include your contact information.

This gig needs to begin right away. Please let me know your days and times of availability.

Thank you for your interest and for your response.

Contact: Jacqui Kuraj,