Title: NYU-X Credit & Research Opportunities
NYU-X is a new University wide transdisciplinary network advancing health, technology, education, and innovation. NYU-X’s inventioneering lab, located in the new College of Nursing, Dentistry and Engineering building at 433 1st avenue, engages faculty, staff, students, and collaborative partners to explore and advance a compelling array of emerging technologies to create transformative interactive experiences.
NYU-X offers NYU credit and independent study opportunities
Join us, earn credit, and advance cutting edge research and innovation at the intersection of health, technology, education, engineering, robotics, affective technology, product design, policy, entrepreneurship, and more.
You are a student studying, one or more of the following:
Nursing, Dentistry, Medicine, Social Work, and Global and Public health
Engineering, Sciences, and Mathematics (all STEM fields)
Computer Science, Scientific Computing and Data Sciences
Design, Digital Media and Game Design
Human Computer Interaction and Interactive Technology
Library and Information Science
Education, Educational Technology, Learning Sciences, Teaching and Learning
Psychology (educational, social, neuro, cognitive load, perception, etc.)
English and Communications/ Journalism and Technical Writing
Film, Theater, and Documentary Production
Entrepreneurship, Business, Strategic Planning, and Organizational Development
Projects Include:
Holodeck: Simulated Reality Environment —
STEM Nursing —
Smart Homes / Internet of Things —
Intelligent Tutoring Systems / Affective Learning Companions —-
Send a brief statement of your Research Interest along with your Resume to Jeremy Rowe (jr4121@nyu.edu) by August 21st.