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Job: Sr. Technical Website Producer (FT) at Asia Society

Just posted (you're the first to know)…

Sr. Technical Producer=
at Asia Society – This is a key position on my team.=A0 We're about to =
launch a major new site, I need a crackerjack to help maintain and evolve th=
e front-end and CMS.
Must have:
– great front-end web skills (XHTML, CSS, Javascript, =
graphics, multimedia)
– large site CMS experience (we're using Drupal=
) + comfort w/ Word Press (we use for some mini-sites)
– strong understan=
ding of web standards, best practices
– project management experience
– great problem solving ability
– tea=
m player w/ can-do spirit (Sunny disposition a plus).

I'm looking=
to hire VERY SOON!

Complete job posting here:=A0

Apply according to procedure noted in job posting, but you may send me =
a note as well (


Bill Swersey | Exec. Director, Digital Media | Asia S=
ociety |

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