The Computer Science Department is hiring GRADERS for the following Fall 2020 course:
CSCI-UA.101-007 Intro to Computer Science
Professor Candido Cabo – ccabo@nyu.eduMust be available for at least 10hrs/wk
Compensation: $2,100/ 10 hours per week for the semester$4,200/20 hours per week for the semester
In order to qualify, you must have:
– Earned a grade of A- or better in the course or have studied extensively the relevant course topic
-An overall GPA of 3.5
– A good academic record and must be enrolled or maintaining matriculation as a student here at NYU for the semester.Please note that you DO NOT qualify for the position if you have already accepted a job for over 10 hours.
If you are interested in the position, please reply directly to the instructor and include the following:
1. NYU Student ID # (It begins with the letter “N”)
2. NYU Net ID
3. Resume
4. Unofficial Transcript