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JOB and INTERN: Interactive Designer/Animator/3D/Developer/Hacker Extraordinaire

Interactive Designer/Animator/3D/Developer/Hacker Extraordinaire

It’s truly a mouthful of a title, with good reason. We need multi-talented people. Not just because it’s obviously better, but because it’s necessary for what we do.

We’re called BREAKFAST (, and we specialize in creating interactive “stuff” that utilizes all the awesomeness of online and connects it with custom electronic devices/robotics that we develop. Somedays we are developing crazy visualizations for big installations, other days we’re wiring up massive blimps with GPS and custom electronics, and you’ll often find us soldering and making custom circuits for toys we keep around the office.

Since every project we do is different we need people that can bob and weave to provide a skill set to whatever we may have going on. Currently we’re looking for someone that is creatively rooted and can’t resist getting their hands dirty with some code or electronics now and then.

If you can tick two or more of these boxes we’re interested.

– Microcontrollers/Electronics/Mechatronics
– Python (Django)
– OpenFrameworks/Processing
– Web/Interactive Design
– 3D (Maya/3DS/CAD)
– Objective C
– HTML/CSS/java_script

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