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INTERN: Okayafrica internship

Okayafrica, an off-shoot of The Roots’ popular music site/community Okayplayer, has just beta launched, and we’re looking for interns.

We’re looking for people with interest in one or more of the following areas:

+ graphics/photo editing
+ blogging/editing/writing
+ social networks/community
+ event planning
+ new forms of community interactivity (physical computing & on web)
+ video editing

We’re looking for people in NYC  (we’re in Williamsburg) for some on-site face to face time each week, and also for those off-site for other research, writing and social networking opportunities. Time and length of internship dependent on availability & interest in level of involvement.

This is an unpaid internship, however there will be some great perks – including music, access to events/shows (including The Roots n more), connections within the music & creative industries, and getting in on the ground floor of a burgeoning network of content providers.

If you know anyone who wants to build up their resume and is interested in all that’s new and popping in Africa & beyond (music, culture, politics, & lifestyle), have them hit us up at