>> _____________________________________________________________________
>> __________________________________
>> http://www.banffcentre.ca/programs/program.aspx?id=844
>> Program Dates: Negotiable, starting Spring, 2009.
>> Application Deadline: when a suitable candidate is found.
>> The Banff New Media Institute’s Advanced Research Technology
>> Collaboration and Visualization Lab is accepting applications for
>> a Work Study for the ESPACER (Emerging Social Places and
>> Collaborative Environments Research) initiative. The goal of
>> ESPACER is the development, dissemination and evaluation of
>> collaborative technologies that promote human interfacing and
>> community awareness in the everyday lived spaces where we work,
>> play and learn. We employ hybrid research practices that integrate
>> methods from creative, critical and technical disciplines.
>> Technologies and methods explored in the Advanced Research
>> Technology Collaboration and Visualization Lab include large-scale
>> participatory wireless networks, tangible and organic interfaces
>> and virtual and augmented environments. Our research platforms
>> include personal area network technologies, physical computing,
>> mega-pixel and stereographic displays, multi-touch surfaces and
>> mobile devices.
>> Work study programs at the Banff Centre are intended to provide
>> the participant with a combination of learning opportunities and
>> supervised practical work, related to the participant’s learning
>> objectives. Learning opportunities may be formal sessions and/or
>> workshops or they may be informal opportunities arising out of the
>> situation of the moment. The work portion of the experience will
>> primarily focus on activities, which complement the participant’s
>> learning objectives as the work relates to the real and ongoing
>> activities in the Advanced Research Technology Collaboration and
>> Visualization Lab including work associated with event production
>> activities, technical support to staff and visiting researchers,
>> project management, administration, and marketing.
>> It is recognized that work study participants bring prior training
>> and expertise to their work study term. The work experience in the
>> Advanced Technology Research Lab will provide the opportunity for
>> work study participants to extend their current skills in digital
>> media production and human centered computing in a collaborative
>> research environment. Top candidates will demonstrate the ability
>> and willingness to learn new technologies and creative methods as
>> required for creative research inquiry in their applications.
>> Candidates must have strong oral and written communication skills,
>> excellent organizational abilities, excellent time management
>> skills including the ability to multi-task multiple projects.
>> Education
>> Top candidates for the Work Study program have completed their
>> undergraduate or graduate degree. The academic discipline of your
>> prior studies is open; however you must express and demonstrate an
>> interest in expanding your creative technologies practices in a
>> research environment. Exceptional candidates who are currently
>> enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate program and are
>> interested for summer term work study opportunities will be
>> considered.
>> Technical Skills
>> Work Study candidates are required to have a background in
>> computer programming with solid foundation in at least one of the
>> following programming languages C, C++, C#, or Java
JOB: Work Study Position, Banff New Media Institute Advanced Research Technology Collaboration and Visualization Lab
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