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JOB: Processing programmer at Purchase

> I’m writing to see if you know of any processing / programming whizs
> (not sure about that plural) at Purchase who might be interested in
> helping me out with a little generative drawing script I would like to
> make.
> I think it should be relatively straightforward, and it’s something
> I’m capable of writing on my own, but I have a deadline coming up and
> a number of other things I have to work on. I can’t pay much, but I
> would be happy to work out other means of compensation. This is for a
> show here in the city, so there would be the gratification of seeing
> the work on display, and I will gladly give credit to anyone who helps
> me.
> Here’s the basic idea of the script –
> I feed in an array of pixel locations from an image.
> The program draws lines between randomly selected points from the
> array.
> The thickness, color, and number of segments of each line varies
> within certain paramaters that I can set.
> Ideally, these drawings would be outputted as some kind of vector
> file.
> Can you please forward this along to anyone who you thank may be
> interested in helping me out?
> Thanks so much,
> Josh