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JOB: Maya 3D Modeling-College Substitute Instructor

Hi List,

Need a substitute for a few classes ASAP. The class is in Maya 3D – Modeling at Nassau Community College. For those unfamiliar, the college is in Garden City, Long Island (right next door to Hofstra University). The college can be reached by car, bus or train (more here

The workstations are all Macs w/Leopard OS with Maya version 8.0. The instructors workstation is connected to a projector. I can provide all the course materials. The class is of about 20 students… all very attentive and eager to learn.

The classes I need covered are…

Oct. 8th: Wednesday, 5:00- 6:20PM
Oct. 20th: Monday, 3:30-6:15PM
Oct. 22nd: Wednesday, 5:00- 6:20PM

There would be of course compensation for your time and efforts. Please email me off list (incl. phone #) if your are interested in any or some of the days requested above.

Joe G