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JOB: Ontario College of Art and Design in Toronto recruiting faculty

even though deadline yesterday, try sending an email if you’re

>> Hello. I am contacting you to make sure you know that OCAD is
>> hiring and that you are telling people — such as your graduates,
>> or other colleagues, about these positions on our behalf (or that
>> you are considering them yourself if you are in the digital space).
>> OCAD needs expressions of interest by December 15th which can be a
>> brief letter or note and a c.v.
> positions_available/dfi_faculty_positions.htm
>> There are six new positions, spanning Innovation Studies, to Games
>> Design….
>> Come and play with us (or send us others)! This will be a world
>> class program!
>> Thanks!
>> Sara Diamond, President
>> Ontario College of Art & Design
>> 416 977 6000 Ext. 200