> Eyebeam is currently accepting applications for web development and
> online archive interns for the soon-to-relaunch Upgrade! website,
> theupgrade.net. The Upgrade!, a (program initiative?) of Eyebeam,
> is an international network of autonomous nodes located throughout
> the world that are united by art, technology, and a commitment to
> bridging cultural divides. The Upgrade! was founded in 1999 by
> media artist and Eyebeam honorary fellow Yael Kanarek.
> Three non-paid, part-time internship opportunities are available.
> We are looking for very thorough, detail-oriented, methodical,
> motivated and creative individuals with an interest in media art,
> new technology, and social media.
> Web Development Intern #1
> Develop a new WordPress plugin that introduces a membership or
> social network component to theupgrade.net. As an international
> network of artists, curators, and organizers, theupgrade.net has
> the potential to enhance the global participation and collaboration
> of its members. The new plugin you develop will help make that
> possible! Qualified applicants must be WordPress gurus, with
> experience developing plugins for that environment. This is a great
> opportunity for those interested in social networking to come up
> with a new solution.
> Web Development Intern #2
> Assist developing and aggregating the new WordPress theme for
> theupgrade.net. Applicants must be experienced programming in PHP
> and WordPress. Experience working with content management systems,
> API functions and documentation is a huge plus. This is a great
> opportunity to contribute to the design and implementation of an
> exciting online project with a practical global application.
> Online Archive Intern
> Assist updating and improving the content of the Upgrade New York
> website. Applicants will be responsible for transferring text and
> audio files from the old HTML-based Upgrade New York website to the
> new WordPress website. Tasks include copying and editing text;
> converting audio file formats; and capturing/digitizing audio files
> recorded at past Upgrade meetings. Qualified candidates must have
> experience working with word processing and audio editing software.
> Familiarity with WordPress is a plus. This is a great opportunity
> for those interested in digital archiving and online content
> management.
> To apply please submit a resume and cover letter to interninfo AT
> eyebeam DOT org, with
INTERN: Eyebeam internshps
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