Begin forwarded message:
> From: Daniel Shiffman
> Date: January 15, 2009 12:14:09 PM EST
> To: Midori Yasuda
> Subject: Fwd: Processing in 2009
> This is an opportunity for the student list. It may not be entirely
> clear from the e-mail below, but Michael Wohlwend is looking for a
> contributer to write a monthly column about Processing. Interested
> students can contact him directly (or me if they have questions.)
> This is a writing opportunity, not programming. . .
> ———- Forwarded message ———-
> From: Michael Wohlwend
> Date: Wed, Jan 14, 2009 at 1:35 PM
> Subject: Re: Processing in 2009
> To: Daniel Shiffman
> The Coffee Companion is a slim periodical dedicated to stimulating
> thought on philosophy, fiction, art, Iraq, and, what I am seeking
> here, Processing. I need someone to produce monthly 8.5×11 sized
> articles with images, code, instructions, etc. I am interested in
> thoughts on how to best approach the space and the following general
> goals:
> Introduce people to computer programming, for the sake of knowing how
> an aspect of modern ubiquity works.
> Visually represent concepts, to provide alternative routes to
> understanding.
> Entertain and inspire. A typical reader may pick up a complimentary
> Coffee Companion at a coffee house, be directed to download Processing
> on their laptop, type or copy and paste code from Coffee Companion
> website, play with variables, see correlations and have an experience
> with something they would not have otherwise encountered.
> Provide a cumulative purpose, a reason for readers to seek out your
> article month after month, perhaps by engaging them in the continuing
> construction of a creature, or realm–I will be particularly
> interested in solutions here.
> Feed the existing online Processing community, be the print-based
> gateway.
> I wish to meet these aims and try to fit whatever your own goals may
> be into this Processing spot. As distribution grows, I look forward to
> expanded resources to fund a larger Processing internet component.
> Anyone that I hear from I will keep on record for fulfilling future
> needs.
> Thank you for reading! I look forward to hearing from you.
> contact me at with any questions.
> Mike Wohlwend
> Editor, Coffee Companion
> Thanks Dan!